Tuesday, February 15, 2011

Ooh la latte!

Hope you all had a wonderful Valentine's Day! We made ours last all weekend. I'll spare you the mushy details but we had a nice time. My big surprise came Sunday morning.

I was so excited. It was beautifully wrapped, but very heavy. What could it be?

Wahoo! wahoo! wah-hoo!

Well, that was the first reaction. There was almost as much as squealing as when mice appear in unexpected places.

Then the squeals turned to 'hmm's. There was both an instructional booklet and an instructional DVD inside. Neither explained the space shuttle-like noise that rattled the whole counter when I turned it on.
I posted my concerns to facebook. "You'll come to love that noise," was one comment.

How right you are.  I watched the DVD a few times, read the book a few more times and experimented even more. Thankfully, friends came over with far more experience and showed me how not to splatter steamed milk all over myself.

And then?

The 'hmm's turned to 'mmm's.

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