Sunday, February 13, 2011

Apocalypse Now?

Every morning I slide the door open to feed Skip and check out the sunrise. The rooster(s) are usually crowing and the heifers are beginning to mill about. Lately it has been bitterly cold so I don't spend any longer than necessary with my head out the door. I was startled into pausing the other day when I looked up and saw this:

My horse, Joker, seemed about to climb the porch stairs. To this party he had brought the four other horses on the ranch which to my knowledge had last been seen in a corral. Had my esteemed equine sprung them from the pen?

He hadn't, I learned later, just after I saw all four of them crowded into my garden gnawing on frozen tomato stalks.

Startled though I was, I love having my horse in my yard. The first time my mother visited us a few years ago she trained him to come to the open window for a carrot. A horsey drive-thru!


Anonymous said...

So cute! I love having my horses right outside my window, but they are still behind a fence about 30 feet from the house. I'd love it if they could come up to the window!

In the summer time, I let Gold out to roam the yard and help me with the mowing. He's been on the patio a couple times, but when I opened the kitchen window to offer him a carrot I startled him. Now he's quite wary of the windows!

Cory said...

Sad. I bet Joker would have been the same if the window hadn't already been open. I'm with you on the all natural lawnmower, too. At our last house I mowed about twice a year (no rain helps, too).

Anonymous said...

Oh, just LOVE.