Saturday, May 28, 2011

The Deluge

Last week all conversations began with "You got your ark built yet?" 

We live in the High Desert, where we get to enjoy bright sunny skies nearly every day. Our average annual rainfall is about 7 inches, the same amount of rain that fell on us while vacationing in Maine for a week.

More moisture falls in May than any other month - normally about 1.5 inches - but this year was a doozy. We got over 3 inches out of this storm! 

 Irrigating during the monsoon. Oops.
 Skip's food bowl filled up very quickly.
 A rare and glorious sight.
 I didn't think anyone even owned umbrellas here, but this one came in handy!
 Yep, snow. On the blossoming trees.
Fourteen hours = 2.5 inches of water

1 comment:

for the love of a house said...

yikes! we rained for 12 days straight here- flowers and were starting to develop mold (ick). Was the ground able to absorb it all or was there flooding in your area? Here's to the sun coming out!
