Saturday, June 25, 2011

Bomb, you were a dear

Someone took Mater's favorite toy.

With apologies for destroying your illusions, little ranch work is done on horseback anymore. Most of it is done with four-wheelers. We have a few here; Jack's favorite was an ancient Bombadier workhorse. As soon as he heard it start, Mater was on the scene and clambering on. He rode and rode and rode, chasing cows, irrigating, checking heifers - whatever. He sat or laid on the back as happy as could be.

It was always parked in this spot, just outside our door. When we got home one afternoon last week it was simply gone. Someone had come up the long driveway, removed the toolboxes (aka milk crates) from the back and driven away. We're perplexed. If only Mater were a bloodhound.

And the worst news is that the one Jack rides now doesn't have room for Mater.


for the love of a house said...

that makes me so mad/sad... did you ever find it (guess that's a stupid question with the size of ranches there;) can NOT believe someone would come all the way up the drive? poor, poor Mater. we always joke that Dan is going to make a sidecar (not the cocktail, that would be for me;) for Ella on the tractor!
I say hide treats in all the other vehicles... then if stolen Mater WILL be able to find it!! If it's not obviously apparent... I adore Mater!!

Anonymous said...

How infuriating. Poor Mater.


Cory said...

Thanks, Joan and Meaghan. Beyond all odds, it's back! What a relief. :)